we're taking a stand. 

Want to know our values? Take a look at our sample ballot and write in with your vote.

Choose your chicken. Choose who you marry. Choose what you do with your body. Choose your style.

Our chicken goes three ways.

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All of our packaging is 100% earth-friendly and 100% compostable or recyclable. Our cooking oil is collected weekly and used to manufacture clean-burning fuel used in city vehicles.

We use Mary's free-range air-chilled chicken in all of our entrees. All of our dishes are made with all-natural, antibiotic and hormone free chicken.


We make all of our sauces, marinades, spice blends, soups, stocks and dressings from scratch.

Special dietary needs? We can make it so you can eat it. Designed for pollotarians of any type.

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And. . .  looking for parking, complaining about Karl the Fog, restaurants that take a stand against equality, Mondays, spam, etc.